Friday, June 24, 2011

My Life As Of Late

4:20AM - wake up to Michelle's alarm
4:33 AM - wake up to my alarm, hit snooze 2x
4:51 AM - get up and get ready for work
6AM - 3PM - work
3:30PM - grocery shop for dinner
4:00PM - greeted by my niece and nephew at the door (or they're probably watching a movie and couldn't care. But I make them care. HAHA)
4:15PM - prep dinner
5:00PM - clean up, or have kids take a shower and get readyf or VBS
6-8PM - VBS
8:15- kids to bed
8:45PM - I'm so tired, I'm going to bed too!

Whew! That's been the last two weeks since Roman and Bizz are staying with us. As tired as it can be, I'm happy. They are good kids. I love making their lunch and snacks, I love how they cuddle with us in between play, I love teaching them new skills ex: taking showers on their own, picking up their clothes (that's a skill I tell you!) and seeing them grow. Maybe this is it for our family as far as kids since there's no sign of me or Michelle having our own any time soon, and God has been so amazing for allowing us to be so close to them. I'm sad that they won't be at the house next week, and that they'll be in Chicago for two weeks, missing my birthday and party (I am happy they're spending time with their Chicago family, of course). I almost panicked thinking I have nothing to do next week once I get home from work! HAHA. So now I am looking forward to spending a long weekend with them camping and hiking. For all you moms, it is a blessing to have children. But equally as fun for us aunties too!

Monday, May 02, 2011


It's sooo hotttt!!!

That is all. =)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

MG stands for....

Yes, Mary Grace... but also Master Guide!!! I'm so excited, blessed, happy, humbled to achieve my goal. It was only by the grace of God, that's for sure. I missed going on Facebook, watching my shows, but it gave me an insight as to how much time I devote to other things besides the Lord. I tried to get back on FB again, but found myself being on it for a long time, again! So it's not for me right now. Hope I can blog more - I should since I'm off of many social networking sites. I also found out that my blog site isn't blocked at work.

I signed up for tumblr so I can post multiple pictures at a time, but still not sure how to use the site. Hopefully I can sit down with Ronn or John so they can help me.

If you prayed for me in the last couple of months, thank you very much because I needed it!

What's next? Just a few more activities with the Pathfinders and a half marathon in June. I've been so busy with PF's and my MG stuff that I hadn't really ran in 3 weeks. And boy did I feel it when I ran yesterday! But I'm just focusing on enjoying running events and not focusing on stress. I have a training plan that my co-worker gave me and I'm praying that I follow it... because if you know me at all, my attention span AKA my commitment to all things planned lasts for about a week. =D

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Master Guide

So I decided two days ago to do the work so I can be a Master Guide in the Pathfinder club. My goodness, why did I decide so late in the year?! I have to read 3 EG White books, a leadership book, "The Pathfinder Story", a book on Adventist church heritage, keep a four week devotional journal and finish a devotional guide! Oh, and all in 6 weeks! WOOHOO! It kinda feels like the week before finals in school when I'm feeling like "I really should have done before in the beginning of the year and read more!!" HEHEHE. But you know what, God is good. I know that if it's His will, I will get it done. =) So friends, pray for me, especially in the next 6 weeks!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Go go go

So one, I'm trying to find a different blog site where I can download multiple pictures. John and Ronn suggested one but it's not working well with me. Ever tried tumblr? I'll keep working on it. I just don't like that I have to upload one picture at a time on here.

It's been a crazy month for me. Between work, running just a little bit more and the Pathfinders... it's just all kept me busy. I'm definitely looking forward to summer. =) I try my best to adhere to my 9PM bedtime, but lately it's just been hard. For example last night was Pathfinder inspection. We literally came home from work and then went to church. We finally finished with everything by 8:30PM. Now, that was 30 min. from bedtime and I hadn't eaten dinner. We made a quick stop for some arroz caldo, came home, changed to PJs, ate and finally in bed by 9:30PM. Whew! No wonder I was so tired at work today. I am very happy though that we did pretty good for our first inspection. 95 out of 100. Now, that's "low" compared to the other clubs, but hey, our first inspection in years! I'm satisfied and God has blessed. Some people were a bit disappointed but I'm happy! That's 95 points we didn't have last year. Now for the rest of the week: gotta somehow figure out how to decorate a huge kite, pray pray pray that it flies on Sunday and yes, kite day is on Sunday! Gotta plan lunch for the kids, transportation and supplies. Also have to be at Mariners Point early. Ayayayay - sorry guys, this is what I do all day; just think about what I need to do. If you've read this much, thank you. =)

Summer = my birthday so I'm excited. I want a garden party. Girls only. I want pretty summer dresses and hats. I should spend time planning that as a distraction.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love my loves

We decided to pick up the twins today after work. On Fridays we get off at 2:30PM so we thought we could skip some traffic.

Well, it did take us 2 and a half hours between driving to Vista, loading the kids and getting back to National City. But it's been so fun having them here. We took them to have Vietnamese food and they were both very open to try pho and the bbq chicken. When we got home, Michelle showed them their surprise gifts - she got them sleeping bags! We are taking them camping next weekend. Roman has been asking us when he could go with us since we went to Zion National park in October. He's so outdoorsy. We asked him in the car what he would need for camping. He said, "a sleeping bag and fishing rod." LOL. When they saw the sleeping bag, Roman squealed with excitement! Now they're sleeping on their beds, in their sleeping bags. I just love it when they're here. I gave them their baths and they helped me clean the tub first. They're good kids. I was looking at them yesterday when they helped unload the car and got a little sad that soon, they'll be teenagers and I'll miss these times. But until then, I will enjoy every moment.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

So little to talk about...

To be honest, nothing fun and exciting going on. Pretty much all I've been focusing on for the last two weeks is my run that's coming up - I have a 10K on 2/13, a half marathon in March and another one in June. When I'm at work, I'm surrounded by many coaches who all love to talk about sports, getting fit and improving performance so I'm blessed to have free consults all day long! I'm also glad that they never grow tired of talking about training and running. The hardest part for me right now is my nutrition. I try to get in between 2,000-2,200 cals per day. Any less than that I absolutely have no energy. So some may think, that's great! That I can eat a lot of food. But not so much. It has to be balanced and I can't just eat anything that has calories because it will affect my running. I've also given up fish so I have to make an extra effort to get my protein in. It hasn't been much of a problem, I usually have eggs, cheese, greek yogurt (so high in protein!) and umm, more eggs! =) Another thing I am focusing on is being injury-free. So I'm spending more time stretching, doing strength training and even got a deal on yoga classes so I'm excited! I want to be fit, I want to look strong, feel strong and accomplish my goal of running a good race. Because although I've done many events, I've only done them to finish, with no time in mind. So pray for me friends and family!

An update on an earlier post - I took it off this blog just in case one of my PF's stumble upon my site. I wouldn't want them to misinterpret anything. Thank you though, Jane and Grace for your inputs and suggestions! What I've decided to do is go to the training class that's coming up on Sunday to check it out, get a feel for the program then decide.

TGIF tomorrow!

Oh and just wanted to share a random picture of the twins from Christmas. I found it today as I was going through my files and just love how cute they are!